Monday Thoughts: Ahh! Anxiety!

I have a lot on my plate. Do ever get that feeling that you just have so much to do? Or even worse, when you’re trying to relax, you feel bogged down about everything you should be doing and then you get anxious, but your brain is also telling you to relax and enjoy some self-care time?

If you got anxious just reading that sentence, you are not alone. This past weekend, I felt like this at least 3 times a day. All I wanted to do was shop online, read, watch netflix, ride, and other relaxing activities. I could only think about what I should be working on, like doing research on where to live next, what job to have next, posting on this blog, doing a workout, and the list could go on.

Right now, I am in a full-time job, I post on this blog as much as I can, I have a little consulting business on the side, I ride my horse 5 times a week, I workout 5 times a week, and I try to have some downtime. Ok, I’m out of breath writing that sentence. But the point I’m trying to make is that I feel like I ALWAYS have a lot on my plate. I also know I am not alone! I’m sure everyone and their mother has a lot on their plate, and feels constantly overwhelmed by it.

Because I know I’m not alone, I wanted to share a big tip I have to put my anxieties aside. Not that I’m procrastinating (because that it totally something I do and I’m ashamed of it), but this tip helps me focus on one thing at a time. Okay, ready for it?

Write it down. Write everything down.

I know this seems overly simple, but writing down everything you have to get done (or want to do) significantly helps the situation. Often, I create an overwhelming sensation in my head just because I’m thinking about everything that needs to be done. Then, I list everything out, and I always feel better. I can visually see all that I have to do, and I realize its completely possible.

So, next time you’re feeling anxious, I challenge you to write it down. Create a to-do list. Open the notes on your phone and go to town. I think our brains enjoy seeing a visual representation of all that we have to do. My anxiety melts away; hopefully yours will to.


And as always, after you write everything down, remember to take things one stride at a time 🙂


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